Now with New, Free Doodads Every Week

The doodad you asked for: Our Calendar (dates)

Our Calendar (dates)

Date numbers to add to to your Our Calendar frame. Cut them out, laminate and use blu-tack to stick to your calendar. Don’t forget to find a helper to change it everyday!



Everyone's Comments.

on 16/04/10

Thank you for your fab resources Mrs Pancake!

I’ve just taken over a Year 1 classroom in need of an overhaul and couldn’t have found you at a better time.

I would love to see these dates with ‘st’ ‘nd’ ‘rd’ and ‘th’ (ie 1 = 1st etc), please!

on 01/08/11


I know you already do the dates with ‘th’ etc after but these have a different border to the calendar dates. Please could you do a set to match the calendar?



on 12/08/11

I would like 1st 2nd etc too.


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