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The doodad you asked for: Rainbow Numbers 1-100

Rainbow Numbers 1-100


Everyone's Comments.

on 24/06/09

Hi There!  I used the color number grid 1-100 at the end of first grade for a child having difficulty with numbers above 20.  Next year I will use it from the beginning of the year . . . it is wonderful!  The math program I use have the children use number grids through 200.  Would you be able to extend your number grid to 200?

Shelley Allen
on 28/07/09

Could the monkey numbers be made upto 100. So I can use them as a number line.  Fab resources

Mpho Mchaza
on 30/07/09


Thanks for a brilliant website, it is just fantastic. I am not a teacher i work for a research company and we are doing a study for a kid’s programme and we needed pictures of numbers, shapes and letters. I found all that i needed on your website. Thanks Mrs Pancake!

on 18/09/09

The Boys & Girls Club needs them to help our children with their homework. Due to financial reason we can not affoard to buy them

on 25/11/09

hi, this is great for my year 1 class. is there anyway it could be downloaded as A3 as this would be perfect for putting on a display?

on 19/08/10

hi, great website! Is is possible to download number 1-100 as A3 as I too would like to display it?

Katherine Sullivan
on 07/06/11

Hi, this is one THE best things I now use for my Maths, I love it and wish I had found it many years ago. Thank you!!

on 18/01/12

Hi ! My name is Alexandra and I am a teacher from Greece. I would really like to thank you for your Rainbow numbers. God Bless you ! ��������� ���� ! (That means “thank you very much” in Greek) :)


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