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The doodad you asked for: Reindeer Antlers

Reindeer Antlers

Colour in and cut out your very own reindeer antlers then decorate them with glitter, tinsel and bobbles. Use them for a school play or just for fun!

Show more Doodads tagged with: Make and Do| Topics| Animals| Christmas| Dressing up| Seasonal|


Everyone's Comments.

on 02/12/08

Following some suggestions, this Doodad has been updated to include an A4 version. Enjoy!

on 28/11/09

this is a very good things to make at scool

on 30/11/11

i think this is sooooo kool.but you shoud teach people how to make bunnys ( ‘’)
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that woul be soooooooo cute for your kids ha ha ha ha(U U)soooo i think you mite what to think about that and talk to me or call me C C will see you guys later (0 ^)


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