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The doodad you asked for: Space Display BW

Space Display BW

Black and white space themed resources including a happy crescent moon, a crater-filled full moon, a set of chunky, smiley stars and a rocket with an empty window. Ideal for easy photocopying and colouring-in. Try creating a Space Race reward chart by sticking pupil’s head shots photos in the rocket windows and using stars as reward stickers.

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Everyone's Comments.

on 09/09/09

I love these images.  I am using them to make a golden time display board.  I am writing different amount of minutes into the pictures.  The children will start on the moon (30 min) and hopefully stay there all week.  If their behaviour isn’t good they will fall back 5 minutes at a time, onto the rocket, the star etc.  (I need to get images from elsewhere as there aren’t enough in this doodad alone for what I want it for.)
Thank you for all the fantastic things you put up on this website.  It has really helped me at the beginning of this school year! :)

on 26/10/10

class display

on 30/01/11

I really like the things you have here, but when I opened my download all I got was Encrypted writing, no pictures or instructions I was relly dissapointed as the aliens you put the children’s faces into would have been perfect for my display.


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